Hello, I'm

I’m a homeschool mom and entrepreneur who is married to my high school sweetie, Barry. We grew up in Maine and moved to California, Georgia, and now reside in Florida. We love our furry beasts, two Australian Shepherds and a beautiful black cat that acts like a dog. We enjoy our family time cooking, watching movies, serving others at church or in our community, as well as traveling, swimming, biking, walking along sand beaches or in the woods. Oh, that fresh, crisp air! You might also call us foodies, we love to eat fresh, delicious food from many different cultures.

I was introduced to this business through my mom; I'm a Shaklee Kid. I saw my mom’s health change for the better and watched her help many friends, family members, and neighbors change their health and lifestyle. Even my skin went from looking like tree moss to becoming clear and beautiful. Once I started my own business, I too achieved a substantial part-time income, all-expense-paid travel and recognition. Most importantly, I have helped friends and families achieve their health goals.

I am looking for six people who want to get paid to take their vitamins, wash their face, clean their home and make a difference in their world just like me.  Will you join me?  Just click on "Explore Opportunity" at the top of this page to start your journey.

Thanks again, for visiting my site and hope I can help you create your ideal lifestyle of personal freedom and good health.


Roxanne Spatafora